Saturday, April 24, 2010

Stormy Weather

'Lightning' By Axel RouvinI was awakened this morning by thunder, followed by Sara - our thunderphobic Greyhound - barking at the thunder. Thankfully, Allie didn't complain about the storms. We're supposed to get some pretty heavy ones later in the evening, so we'll see if she's rattled by those. While it won't matter to me with one thunderphobe already keeping me awake, it'd be nice if Allie's forever family didn't have to worry about it.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I can borrow this bed, right?

After an initial observation period, we've let little Miss Personality have a little more freedom in the house and she's doing great. Like probably every new Greyhound I've brought into my home, she seemed worried the first time I let her loose. She had to run around investigating everything, smelling everywhere. But after hanging out here for a couple of days she seems to be okay with where she's at…and okay with helping herself to a comfy spot, even if it's not hers.

Sara & Grayson, our two resident hounds, haven't been bothered by her at all, nor does Allie seem worried about them. Grayson gets along with everyone but almost all our fosters have been males, and you can see his reaction to them in his body language: you're OK, but I'm the head dog here…and he's kind of quivery as he adopts this posture. No such attitude from him with Allie. Sara in the past has been most insecure with the females. Again, no worrisome signs here.

Allie's eating very well, so I think she will regain her weight at a good pace. I could probably feed her three meals a day and she wouldn't complain, but we don't want to overdo it. She finished up the last of her post-dental antibiotics yesterday. Giving her pills is easy - just throw them in with her kibble and she inhales them without a thought!

Allie's just a pretty easygoing dog so far. She would be first in and out the door if I let her, but other than that she's not pushy at all, nor is she inconsiderate of the other dogs. She doesn't get in their face. If she can do well here she'll probably do well anywhere.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sweet Girl

Allie arrived yesterday for her stay with us. She is a petite little girl compared to my two, and so pretty. She knows her name, and when you call it her big ears perk straight up and she cocks her head to listen. She's probably still adjusting to the change in location, but she's doing well.

Nobody told her she was supposed to be convalescing - she seems to have plenty of energy at times. But she's been a good sport about chilling out in the x-pen most of the day. She loves going out in the yard and takes advantage of every inch of the lead I'll give her to smell everything. I guess it's all new to her.

She loves her kibble and polishes off two cups of it pretty quickly. She's still regaining her weight, so it's good to see that.

Allie doesn't seem bothered by anything at this point. The dogs are all curious about one another, but so far Allie's not pushy or bossy, and neither are my two Greys. Maybe in another day or two ; )