Monday, April 19, 2010

Sweet Girl

Allie arrived yesterday for her stay with us. She is a petite little girl compared to my two, and so pretty. She knows her name, and when you call it her big ears perk straight up and she cocks her head to listen. She's probably still adjusting to the change in location, but she's doing well.

Nobody told her she was supposed to be convalescing - she seems to have plenty of energy at times. But she's been a good sport about chilling out in the x-pen most of the day. She loves going out in the yard and takes advantage of every inch of the lead I'll give her to smell everything. I guess it's all new to her.

She loves her kibble and polishes off two cups of it pretty quickly. She's still regaining her weight, so it's good to see that.

Allie doesn't seem bothered by anything at this point. The dogs are all curious about one another, but so far Allie's not pushy or bossy, and neither are my two Greys. Maybe in another day or two ; )