Friday, May 28, 2010

54 - Yes!

Allie began her second round of heartworm treatment on Tuesday, and returned to our home yesterday. The vet said she tolerated everything well, and she slipped right into our usual routine once she arrived back here. She has six more weeks of leash walking before we can begin working toward a more normal amount of activity.

If I happen to take her out front to take care of her business, she usually pauses and looks longingly down the street. She knows what walks are and wants one. She knows the word walk, too. When we ask the other dogs if they'd like to go for a walk, her ears perk up and she'll come stand by the door, hoping this time we'll take her. Soon, Miss Personality, soon.

The best news of all from the vet - after tolerating the treatment well, of course - was that Allie regained her weight and is now a healthy 54 pounds!


Laura said...

Glad to hear things are going so well. She won my heart while she was at the adoption kennels.