Thursday, May 13, 2010

Frozen Yogurt Treats

We try to make crating a positive experience, so whenever we're getting ready to crate up the dogs and leave, it's treat time. One of the dogs' favorite treats - and one of the healthiest - is frozen yogurt. An added bonus is that it takes them at least 10 minutes to finish, so they pretty much don't care that we're leaving.

The simplest version of these treats involves nothing more than filling 4 ounce containers (like these GladWare cups) with plain nonfat yogurt. More involved recipes call for peanut butter, bananas, honey, shredded carrots or all of the above. The dogs seem just as enthusiastic about the plain ones as anything else I've tried, and right now simplicity is a plus so that's what I made this morning. If you want to try some of the variants, I suggest putting two quarts of yogurt in a blender with either one banana or 1/3 cup of natural peanut butter. Blend it on low just enough to combine, then pour it into the cups and freeze.

When I was through making the treats this morning, I let Allie lick the almost empty yogurt container and she loved it. Pretty sure she'll love her first frozen yogurt treat even more.