Saturday, May 1, 2010

A thing for towels…

Allie's previous owners said she had a thing about towels. So when she arrived here I laid a towel near the bed in the x-pen, figuring it might be some comfort to her in the transition. She wanted nothing to do with it. I don't know why I tried guessing at dog psychology. So I told Patty (with screening & placement) that was a random bit of information that wasn't applicable and should be removed from her profile.

It wasn't two hours after I wrote that when it started. In the hallway, I discovered a kitchen towel that had been hanging on a low towel bar. The next day it was my bath towel in the middle of the bedroom floor. This morning, a clean pair of socks that had been laid on a dining room chair waiting to be put away were found laying six feet away on the floor. Allie is always snoozing on a dog bed before and after these discoveries…at least, I think she's snoozing. So apparently it's all about stealth, and a towel given is no fun at all.

Some Greyhounds are "collectors," who steal your treasures and take them back to their crates or beds. Not Allie. She just wants to slightly relocate them, and do so when no one's looking. It's funny and kind of cute…she looks completely innocent. Of course, my official position is that towels, etc., are a NO. Problem is, to correct that behavior I'll have to catch her in the act at least a couple of times. Fat chance of that.


Laura said...

Oh, Allie. You silly thing. The funny, & good, thing with the collector Greys we have fostered is that the items are not chewed. Sounds the same with stealthy Allie.

Teresa said...

Nope - hasn't chewed a thing. I think she's just playing games with us.